Our mission

Our  vision

our values

Our Mission is to offer excellent service in each of our clients’ engagements through provision of excellent customer service, innovative business solutions, practical engineering and ICT solutions, in order to assist our clients to be efficient, economic and effective.

Our Vision is to provide the best modern solutions to business challenges and help contribute to efficient and effective operations that contribute towards the healthy bottom line. We are determined to become a key innovator and supplier of reliable business solutions, ICT and engineering services that improve the lives of our people and key organizations. We want to become our Clients' preferred Professional Service Provider (PSP) of choice through the excellent and efficient delivery of goods or services.

Our values are the guiding principles that dictate our behavior and conduct. They help us to remain on the right principled and ethical business path and fulfill our goals and long-term objectives as expressed in our Mission and Vision Statements. Our values are:

1) Accountability;

2) Safety;

3) Integrity;

4) Teamwork; and

5) Professionalism.

These values form the basis of our conduct and corporate culture.

Our company enjoys incredible strategic support from our suppliers, business partners and clients. We also have in our ranks experienced, talented and highly competent personnel. We offer the following services amongst others:

  • Business Consulting & Solutions;
  • Risk Management Services;
  • Engineering Services;
  • Branding and Marketing Services;
  • IT Software and Hardware;
  • etc.

About us

Our Support

Welcome to ECM Group, the home of practical and innovative business and engineering solutions!!


We are an innovative Business Advisor and a Service Provider of solutions of note. We spend a material amount of time and resources on research and analysis, academic studies, continuous skills development and training, and empowerment of the previously disadvantaged through various strategies.


We are fully committed to transformation and affirmative action, meaningful contribution to the community, economy and the local job market.  Our aim is to provide "quality at its best" without harming or contributing negatively to the community we operate in.

ECM Group (Pty) Ltd was established with the main aim of providing high-quality business solutions and innovative engineering services to small, micro and medium enterprises (SMME's), public sector and large corporates locally and across Africa.


We are proud to have in our ranks qualified and experienced team capable of delivering innovative and top quality service. Due to this advantage, we are able to supply our services reliably and help our clients attain high levels of operational efficiency at a lower cost and in an effective manner. We are a level one (1) BBBEE contributor, and as such the entity is strategically positioned to service key sectors of the economy including Mining and Construction, Transport and Logistics, Industrial Works and Manufacturing, Energy and Engineering, and others.


The entity’s management team combined experience is well over 65 years with various expertise in Business Management, Information Systems and Technology, Energy and Engineering Services or Solutions, and Construction Works.

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